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Alignment of the Uterus

The uterus is the woman's center. If her uterus is not in proper position and in good health, nothing in her life will be right. She will be as out of balance as her uterus.

- Don Elijio Panti



This technique is focused on the physical and energetic alignment of the uterus, which can often be out of place from tension, childbirth, physical and/or sexual traumas, anxiety, shame, and general disconnect with one's female body. With abdominal bodywork techniques and guided breathwork, we will work together to return the uterus to her proper place, enhance the flow of the pelvic energy, and restore the pelvis as the creative center of your body. 


This work can help alleviate symptoms of irregular and painful periods, pain or numbness during sex, fibroids, chronic pain, incontinence, postpardum healing, and many other pelvic issues. It can help enhance fertility and the connection to one's sexuality. Many women share that after receiving this work they feel more grounded and connected to their pelvic bowl, more energetic and physical flow, less tension, and a sense of coming home to the body. 


I was taught this work by my mentor, Deanna Batdorff, who in turn learned it directly from Ms. Beatriz, a Mayan healer woman from Belize. Ms. Beatriz also taught Rosita Arvigo, who created the Maya Abdominal Therapy technique. I am so grateful to these women and to the lineage of this incredible practice.


Note: This work cannot be done if you are pregnant or have an IUD


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